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Springclean Health E-News, Issue #005 September 15, 2007 |
Free DownloadA Free Lesson in DigestionA Free Lesson in Digestion includes; Stages of Digestion Food Combining How to Strengthen your natural digestion Cleansing UpdateI just read on the Mayo Clinic's website that if you want to prevent constipation to drink water and eat a diet rich in fiber.This advice may help some - but the fiber should be clarified. I've had way too many people in my office that have been eating bran cereal, only to find that one day it didn't work so well. They went on to add another bowl, or another muffin and when that stopped working, add a fiber supplement. This went on until one day they realized that in spite of daily bm's, everything wasn't leaving. The problem is not a lack of fiber of this type. The problem is a lack of understanding the role of fiber. The fibers found in grains do not always stimulate peristalsis. In fact, it can exacerbate a problem if your peristalsis is sluggish. In addition, our bodies like change. So if you eat a fiber cereal or take a fiber supplement and it feels like it does "move" you, then one day it stops working - it's not that the fiber stopped doing it's job. It's more like your body stopped responding. So change your cereal or supplement. Fresh veggies and fruits have some of the best fiber for your body. These foods help the entire digestive tract because it contains the fiber, nutrition and enzymes needed for healthy digestion and elimination. So, eat your fruits and veggies, mix up your fiber and keep your body stimulated. And if you did make the mistake of eating too much fiber than your body could handle, try a proper cleansing diet and program to clear any buildup that it may have caused. Let Food be Your MedicineBarley in it's grain form, has long been considered a heart medicine in the Middle East. It can reduce cholesterol levels and contains antioxidants that may help prevent cancer.Dried barley grass is full of vitamins, minerals and protein. It also contains the nine essential amino acids that our bodies cannot manufacture. You can find the grass form in the powdered green superfoods, such as Barley Green or Vitamineral Green.
Diet & Motivation TipsTake your fiber and cleansing herbs first thing in the morning and last thing at night.By taking it first thing in the morning, your body will feel fuller so you won't reach for the wrong breakfast foods. Follow this with a glass of fresh, warm water with a squeeze of lemon. If you can - sit for about five or ten minutes before you go on with your regular morning routine. This will help you "move." Taking your supplements in the evening about an hour or two after your dinner/supper can help curb the night-time munchies. Featured RecipeTomato and Avocado SaladChop fresh, organic Roma Tomatoes. Add some fresh, chopped avocado and fresh, finely chopped basil. Add about 1-2 Tbsp of olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon to make this delicious salad double as a liver cleanser. Ask A QuestionShould I take vitamins with my cleanse?It is best to take only the cleansing herbs and fiber for now. First of all, the body can handle only so much at a time. The herbs are condensed nutrition so you will benefit from that. Also, the body likes change - so putting aside the vitamins for now will mix it up a little and you'll get more benefit when you start them again after your cleanse. P.S. Don't forget to take only whole-food vitamins! Member's AreaPassword: datesHere's the link to the Member's Area: Health and Cleansing Community Here's the full URL if you need:
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