Cleansing juice recipes can be made from both fruits and vegetables. These can help you maintain your health and help your body cleanse and detoxify. Fruit juice has long been known as a natural body cleanser because of the high water content. The water in fruit isn’t your ordinary water, though. It is full of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and electrolytes. Fresh fruit juices will help flush and restore your body and various other health benefits.
Certain fruits, such as pineapple and papaya, are full of enzymes to aid digestion. Apples have natural fiber, which will still be part of the juice when fresh and unfiltered. Recent studies have shown an eight ounce glass of pomegranate juice a day can clear plaque from the arteries.
Pomegranate juice and cherry juice are full of anti-oxidants, which help to prevent cancer and are believed to slow the aging process. Cherry juice is also anti-inflammatory, which may help alleviate arthritis pain. Fruit juices can be used alone or mixed to make your cleansing juice recipes.
Vegetable juices also have a high water content, however this water is full of minerals. Some have cleansing properties and they all are excellent to aid in rebuilding health. One such cleansing vegetable are beets.
Beet juice is a powerful cleanser of the blood, kidneys and liver. In fact, it is so powerful you should use no more than 1/4 up to 1 whole beet mixed with other vegetables in a glass of juice. Drinking beet juice is not the same as eating beets. When you eat beets, there is plenty of natural vegetable fiber that will slow the absorption of the juice within. Therefore it is not likely that you will absorb all the juice of a beet when eaten.
In fact this is true with all vegetable juices. It would be nearly impossible to eat, digest and assimilate all the vegetables and nutrients found in one 16 ounce glass of veggie juice.
Vegetable juice can slow down a body cleanse. However, for anyone with health issues, this is a good thing. Cleansing too fast may release too many toxins into your body, which may be more trouble than not cleansing. While slowing your cleanse down, veggie juice will help your body build new cells and tissues.
Cleansing juice recipes should be used either before you start your cleanse or for the first couple weeks of a cleanse. I have especially emphasized this method for first time cleansers or people with health issues. As with anything, moving at a slower, steadier pace will give better, longer-lasting results.
A juicer made specifically for fresh vegetable and fruit juices is the best machine to make your juice. The cost of a good juicer may range from $230 to over a thousand dollars. I have a Champion Juicer that I bought about 20 years ago (around $240 at the time) and have only had to replace two parts that I lost or broke and recently sent in for an over hall of the motor (the cost was a fraction of the cost of a new juicer – in fact well under $100!). I will probably stay with my Champion due to the customer service, but some of the other popular brands are the Breville and Omega.
The less expensive models may be good for temporary use, but they don't extract as much juice from your vegetables as a better quality one would. If you have to use a less expensive model, get more from your veggies by pushing the pulp through a second time to extract more juice from it.
Simply add the ingredients to a juicer. Use organic when possible - it is more nutritious and tastes better.
Lucious Lymphatic Cleanser
1 bunch celery
kale leaves
green apple
of parsley
of 1
lime and 1 lemon
inch of fresh ginger
Liver Cleanse and Strengthen
1 cucumber
1 small beet
1 green apple
8 oz blackberries (fresh or frozen)
Juice of 1 lemon
1/2 inch fresh, peeled ginger root
Tasty Tropical Cleanse
1 Medium papaya, peeled & seeded
1/4 Pineapple
1 kiwi peeled
1 cup coconut water (add after juicing)
Silky Skin Cleanser
4-6 Carrots
1 peeled cucumber
1-2 inch piece of fresh ginger
Juice of 1 lime
Small bunch of basil
Small handful of cilantro
Mighty Metal Cleanse
1 Cucumber
5 Celery Stalks
4 Carrots
1/2 Beet
1 Green Apple
Small handful Cilantro
Juice of 1 lemon