#12 - Eliminate Lymhatic Puffiness
Try helping your body eliminate this excess fluid by using these tricks. Walk briskly and be sure to pump your calf muscles. The lymphatic vessels have no pumping action of their own and need help. The muscles used during fast paced walking create the best action for moving the lymph fluid. Try rebounding - this pumps your lymphatic system even more than walking. Next try drinking a lemonade flushing drink made with fresh spring water, 1 Tablespoon of organic, grade B maple syrup, 2 Tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. The compounds in this drink are known relieve bloat in as little as two hours. Drink it first thing in the morning, followed by a piece of fruit and then again before lunch and dinner. Of course these aren't meant as a deep detox but they can make you feel better and jump start your new year's cleanse. Cleansing Update Archives
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